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The twenty-four oil paintings of this exhibit are an attempt to bring together, in a harmonious way, three facets of Marian art: nature, history, and spirituality. The exhibit is an invitation to visio divina, a meditation about Our Lady, and her meaning for us, as tradition and new insights suggest.


In her faith, Miriam of Nazareth was a grace-filled  woman to whom God has done great things. She  received an extraordinary message early in her years, “Do not be afraid Mary, for you have found  favor with God.” That favor meant a complete change. The Jewish girl of Nazareth experienced an extraordinary life, and was eventually gifted  with God-given power as our intescessor and mediatrix on earth and in heaven. When we honor Mary, we are celebrating the mystery of the living God and the perfect disciple. It also reminds us that God wants a similar graced relationship with us.


When Jesus on the cross entrusted his mother to the care of John, the “disciple whom he loved,” and him to her, she became the spiritual mother to us all. This fact has allowed all of us, including artists throughout art history, to claim her as our own with the freedom to express our devotion to her in our various interpretations and greatest accomplishments. Christianity is challenged by the fact that we are all so familiar with the Bible stories, and we forget the life they bring to our daily lives. Art helps us to see these stories in a new and fresh way which opens our hearts to receive God’s loving Word.


Many of my works pay homage to the masterpieces of great painters of their time. It is my desire to honor these artists for their work, and  to continue their efforts of celebrating creation with my own contributions. I like to think that I am  contributing to the ongoing conversation among artists across time and space with my imperfect and yet God given talents. My paintings in this collection portray Mary in a multitude of times, cultures, styles, and ethnic characters to show her ‘omnipresence’ through the Holy Spirit.


My approach has been to trust the creative process and allow the brush to guide my hand. The time in front of the canvas usually follows a period of Centering Prayer or Lectio Divina. I often listen to the rosary and contemplate the mysteries in the studio. At times, I feel more like a grateful witness to the creation of my work rather than the creator.


Flowers are a beautiful symbol of the ‘divine  feminine,’ and there are numerous kinds that  have generated delightful legends throughout  the centuries regarding Mary’s life story and  mysteries. Each of my paintings pertain to one or more flowers which give reference to a particular moment in Mary’s life. They all provide an opportunity for us to use our own imagination, and to contemplate Mary’s experience here on earth.  Research for this body of work included reading and studying the book, Mary’s Flowers: Gardens, Legends, and Meditations by Vincenzina Krymow.


In the end, my study of Mary has further reshaped my image of our Creator from one of dominance to a God of overflowing goodness, loving kindness, and unending mercy. I hope each viewer experiences this same devotional joy in recognizing the good news.


The psalm verse at the end of each description is an invitation to share the prayer and spiritual mentality of Jesus and Mary.

All paintings are 24" x 30" oil on canvas.

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Mary Went Berry Hunting with the Children - Strawberry

Our Lady's Pure Eyes-Forget me not

He Hung Flower Jewels of Ruby and Amethyst on His Mother's Ears -Fuschia

The Holy Family on the Road to Jerusalem -  Jerusalem Cowslip and Thistle

All He Could Remember of the Lady with the Golden Flowers was Ave Maria - Marigold and Fleur-de-Lis

And the Violet Dropped Its Head

The Star that Became a Flower - Oxeye Daisy

Madelon's Gift to the Christchild - Christmas Rose

Wild Clematis Sheltered Mary and Jesus on Their Flight

The Visitation of Mary and Elizabeth - Columbine

Jesus' Gift to His Mother - Juniper and Cuckoo Flower

The Tiny Thimbles of the Harbell Honor Our Lady's Working Hands

The Annunciation to Mary - Lily and Violet

Our Lady's Rose Shone so Bright

A Son's Love for his Mother - Yellow Lady Slipper

As Mary Rose to Heaven She Was Surrounded by Roses and Lilies

Cruel Foreboding on the Rest of the Flight - Rose of Jericho

A Cushion for the Baby and a Lavender Bush for the Mother - Sea Pink and Lavender

The Poverty of Christ's Birth - Our Lady's Bedstraw and Carnation

Mary Is Called a Rose Without Thorns - Scotch Rose

Mary Took Jesus to the Temple - Snowdrop

Blossoms Marked the Road They Trod - Rosemary and Germander Speedwell

Her Tears Fell to the Ground and Turned into Lilies of the Valley

White Blossoms Covered Mary - Star of Bethlehem



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