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“When he saw the painting, his eyes just lit up,” Ingber said. “Of all the gifts that he received, I think he loved that painting of his mother.”
– Abie Ingber in the Indiana Gazette
Read the whole article here.
Pope Francis



​Portrait of Regina Maria, Pope Francis' Mother, presented to him in Rome, 2015 

While working on a new series of work based on Our  Blessed Mother for another traveling exhibition, I found myself compelled to paint Pope Francis' mother, Regina Maria Sivori. The painting is 8" x 10," oil on canvas, and the title is Regina Maria Did You Know? referencing the song, "Mary Did You Know?" As I painted the portrait of Regina Maria Sivori, I prayed for our Pope and the Catholic Church. The white rose of course represents Mary. Rabbi Abie Ingber gifted this portrait to His Holiness in Vatican City, 2015. 

Read the whole article here.

Pope Francis
Pope Francis Mary portrait
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